Chipmunks Early Learning Programs
At Chipmunks childcare in Sydney and Melbourne, our educational programs are developed and based on the Early Years Learning Framework and the National Quality Standards. Our team of highly experienced and qualified Early Years Educators across all locations strive for excellence in this area by ensuring the children in our care have access to enriching educational programs that support the children’s individual identities, ideas, interests and developmental needs. Chipmunks Early Learning programs are developed based on age and the appropriate developmental milestones we aim to reach with the children in our care. At Chipmunks daycare centres it is our mission to be the leaders in educational excellence.
Tiny Wanderer Program For Ages 10 months to 2 years
One thing we all know about babies is how much they love to wander the new world they’ve been born into. The best way for them to do this is by interacting with that world, so we’ve created a range of unique activities in our early learning centres that allows them to experiment and explore through different play and sensory experiences, all the while aided and encouraged by the very best staff.
You cannot separate learning from the learning environment. Each is critical to the other and by using natural materials such as muslin and silks, mood music, singing and clapping games and musical instruments – we create an atmosphere and mood for every aspect of the changing day, from stimulating playtime to a calming afternoon nap.
The Preschooler Program For Ages 3 to 5 Years
Chipmunks Preschool Program describes a vision of children’s learning, characterized by:
Belonging – recognizing the knowing where and with whom you belong is integral to human existence, providing a basis for children’s interdependence and relationships with others.
Being – recognizing and valuing the “here and now” in children’s lives, and viewing childhood as more than simple preparation for adulthood for the future.
Becoming – recognizing the rapid and significant learning and development that occurs in the early years, and the capability and potential of all children.
We develop fun activities to ensure the more focused and traditional curriculum areas such as literacy, numeracy, science, arts, music, personal development, etc are also being introduced to the children at a level appropriate to their age and stage of development.
Little Explorer Program For Ages 2 to 3 Years
In our groups, play becomes much more focused on group physical activities. During this stage, development is rapid and rewarding, for children and parents alike. Crawling, walking, running, jumping, climbing, and all the while, learning. Our childcare rooms are equipped with toys and apparatus to aid and support their rapidly growing skills, opening a big wide world for them to explore and discover in complete safety.
As toddlers become more able and independent, we respond with a focus on self-managed activities as part of day-to-day play, such as dressing up, ‘cooking’ in the play kitchen and team games, all essential to their growing skills. ‘Messy’ play, hide and seek and memory games are also introduced. Safely managed and supervised, such activities nevertheless encourage respect, co-operation and personal choice and of course, they’re lots and lots of fun!